Now Hiring: Bus Drivers (URGENT)
2024-2025 School Year
West Central Families and Community Members, I am writing to express an urgent need for bus drivers in our district. Over the last year, we have worked hard to adjust our bus routes with the current bus drivers that we have and learned that we need a minimum of 10 licensed bus drivers to transport our students to and from school each day. We also need one bus driver to transport special education students and three . . .

Alumni Basketball Weekend
2024-2025 School Year
Free admission for alumni! Boys Basketball Friday, January 31st JV tip off @ 6:00 PM During JV halftime, we will have a 3 point shootout Between games (7:15 PM), we will recognize boys basketball, cheer, poms, dance, pep band alumni and coaches Varsity game to follow During varsity halftime, current and alumni cheerleaders will lead a chant and toss spirit sticks Girls Basketball . . .

Family Reading Week
2024-2025 School Year
There was a sea of Family Reading Week forms in the entryway of West Central Elementary! Thanks to the 80 students who participated by returning their forms. So many wonderful books were read by WC students for this event. Students also got to choose a free book to take home.

WC235 Staff "You Are Awesome" Awards
Want to learn more about the faculty and staff at West Central CUSD #235? Using the link below you can learn more about each staff member, find staff wish lists and nominate any staff member for a "You are Awesome" award. https://sites.google.com/wc235.k12.il.us/wcelemwishlist/home

Big Teams/Schedule Star - Fan Central Help Guide
Looking for athletic calendars? Use the newly revamped "BigTeams Schedule Star" West Central CUSD #235 athletics page @ https://westcentralheat.org/ From this site, you can create a Fan Central account to sign up for notifications and calendars for any athletic event at WC235. More information on how to set up a Fan Central account can be found here (see below): BigTeams Schedule Star - Fan Central . . .
Current Highlights
Welcome to West Central C.U.S.D. #235
By Mrs. Stacey Day
Hello West Central! I hope this note finds you doing well and enjoying summer! My name is Stacey Day and I'm excited to be the next Superintendent for the West Central School District. I completed my bachelors degree in . . . read more
Welcome to West Central Middle School
By Miss Brittney Kugler
Hello, Everyone! My name is Brittney Kugler, and I am writing to introduce myself as the new principal of West Central Middle School! I am beginning my 11th year as an educator and first year as a principal. I am from Macomb, Illinois . . . read more
Welcome to West Central Elementary School
By Mrs. Kathy Lafary
Welcome to West Central Elementary School, home to approximately 375 Pre-K through 5th grade students. We have a very dedicated staff that puts the needs of our students first, while upholding our mission statement, “Providing . . . read more