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Welcome to West Central Middle School

By Mrs. Sara Ryner 

Welcome to West Central Middle School, home to approximately 180 of the best sixth, seventh and eighth grade students who represent the HEAT community in middle level academics, fine arts and athletics. Our dedicated staff of teachers and associates provide opportunities and expect excellence!  

On top of the excellent academic instruction the dedicated staff will focus on promoting good behavior and social/emotional learning with PBIS, Positive Behavior Interventions and Support System along with the Second Step curriculum which is taught each Monday. The PBIS program is constantly rewarding those students who set high standards and model all expectations set forth by the faculty and staff. Good behavior is also encouraged with  “HEAT bucks”. They can be earned in the classroom, hallway, lunchroom, extracurricular events or even on the bus. These bucks can be saved to “spend” on various things. Everything from book marks and gift cards to lunch with your favorite staff member can be earned. This year we hope our students will benefit not only from weekly lessons within the Second Step curriculum that addresses the Social/Emotional Standards but also by themes presented each month that will include fun celebrations aimed at social emotional learning and community service. We feel with continual application of the Second Step material throughout each day we can make a difference.We know our goal of promoting healthy mental, social, and emotional growth for all of our students cannot be met without parent and family support. Please take time to read the monthly newsletter from our school counselor, Mrs. Ruebush and check out her Google Classroom which has many valuable resources and ideas. 

Education is not reserved for just the classroom. Students who are involved are more successful academically. There are many possibilities and opportunities for students to be involved and we hope to provide each student with all they need to be a confident member of the HEAT family! Our most recent activities and exploratory classes include the Heat Hut, an introduction to entrepreneurship and business, The Harry Potter Club, Art, Study Skills, Genius Hour, A School Play, Music in a Digital World, and strong Band and Choir programs. 

This is an exciting time for WCMS as we build off past successes and continue to strive to make this a school that creates feelings of pride in our staff, students, and community. Last year the scholastic bowl team went 2-1 at regionals. Although the girls’ basketball teams lost in the 1st round of regionals, they improved steadily and hope to take it farther this year. The boys’ 7th grade basketball team started off 0-4 then went on a 7 game win streak. The 8th grade girls’ volleyball team won the conference by going 5-1. Cody Wade placed 4th in state in the 100m and 11th in the 200m. The baseball team played in the regional championship and won the Sand Valley Showcase. The softball team placed 3rd in state! And, the entire community was treated to an excellent performance at the Raritan Opera House where our middle school actors put on a fabulous performance of “Be Our Ghost”. And, our band and choir gave impressive performances at both the winter and spring concerts. There are many opportunities to grow and learn at WCMS.

Security is an ongoing concern everywhere. Here at West Central, we continue to work towards ensuring the safety of all students and staff members. We have installed a new key fob entry system for the main staff entrances. The doors will remain locked throughout the day and visitors will be monitored closely. Visitors will be allowed inside the building after proper clearance from the school staff. It is important that you continue to follow the procedure of signing in at the office where the office staff will be happy to assist you. Additionally, we have security cameras in the hallways and parking lots for monitoring purposes.

The middle level teachers participate in daily team meetings. During these sessions, they share curriculum ideas to assist one another in teaching our many different learners. We understand that all students learn at different rates and various needs have to be met. Here at WCMS, we provide a rigorous curriculum with a multi-tiered support program in place. At times students may be referred to a new system called MTSS, Multi-Tiered System of Support. MTSS is an avenue through which teachers and support staff can identify students who need additional support of any kind, behavioral, social, emotional or academic. The MTSS team works together with the student and family to help the student be successful.

West Central Middle School highlights exceptional students. “On Fire!” awards are given out monthly in each grade level. We encourage positive phone calls home to highlight the successes of our students and individuals. Students can work towards end of the year awards. Honor roll or high honor roll could be awarded depending on how many quarters honorable grades are earned.

Awards given by sponsors include scholastic bowl, science olympiad, student council, play, speech, chorus, band, athletics, physical fitness,  IXL, MAP growth and Reflex. This year awards will be given out to athletes who participate in a sport for all three years. There are also two awards given to eighth grade students for citizenship.

Here at West Central Middle School, we understand how important families and parents are to student success. Communication is a key component. In addition to the online daily announcements,  we plan to provide a social media weekly update with important dates and happenings on our recently created Facebook page along with pictures of happenings. The teachers will be making regular contact with parents who are able to keep informed of classroom activities through online platforms such as Google Classroom and Remind. Another great way to keep informed is to access the Skyward program. Parents are able to view their student’s grades, missing assignments, attendance, and lunch account balances.  Furthermore, messages will be sent out via the Connect-Ed/Blackboard system. You can select various options such as phone calls, text messages, and email notifications. Be sure to join our newly created West Central Middle School Facebook page!! It is linked on our district website.

West Central Middle School aims for academic excellence and school community involvement for all. Every staff member is working hard to prepare for your child each day. I feel extremely fortunate to have the privilege of working in education with young people daily as principal at West Central Middle School. I look forward to working  together with the HEAT community and families and you to create a school culture where all students feel comfortable and can reach their highest potential.

In Partnership,

Mrs. Sara Ryner



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