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WCMS Celebrates 2nd Place State Finish!

On Monday, the middle school had one of the last Monday Morning Assemblies for the school year. This one was a little more special as Coach Booton brought the 2nd Place State Track trophy to present it to the school.


She started with an extremely inspirational and heartfelt message about perseverance and hard work. The kids intently listened, while there were a few tears shed by some. Once we celebrated the trophy, the middle school track team broke it out one last time.
We are tremendously proud of the extraordinary group of athletes.  Mr. Peters searched the record books and found that going back to 1985, there is no 7th grade male track athlete that has won the 100, 200, 400 and long jump at the state track meet, besides Kaiden. There is also no 8th grade male track athlete that has won the 100, 200, 400 and long jump at the state track meet, besides Kaiden. And now he has done it twice!



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