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Archaeological Digs are a Destructive Process!

By Wolf, Amy

October 17, 2019

Mrs. Wolf's 4th grade class has been learning about the Hopewell culture in Illinois.  Archeologists have excavated and found many artifacts that give us clues about these people from over 2,000 years ago.  Some of these items discovered over time include pottery, knives, hooks, and axes.  To help the students better understand the process that archeologists go through while excavating, we did a cookie excavation!  The students had to take great care while excavating with their toothpicks so as not to damage the fragile and priceless artifacts (chocolate chips).  They also figured out quickly how easy it is to destroy the artifacts in the process, so great care had to be taken.  By the time archeologist have finished with a site, they have taken it apart piece by piece to discover its secrets which usually means the area cannot be excavated again.  It's important to be thorough the first time!  The students recorded all of the information about their artifacts as they worked, and by doing this all of the information about their original cookies survived   

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