2nd/3rd Grade Parent Program 2023
The 2nd and 3rd grade students had a wonderful time at the Parent Program on Monday, November 13, 2023! Parents learned about Social Emotional Learning (SEL) and how staff at the school incorporate it with other academic subjects.
Our program incorporated SEL with Reading, Math, and Science. Everyone listened to a wonderful story titled, Ordinary Mary’s Extraordinary Deed. In the book, Mary does an ordinary act of kindness for five people. These people then do a kind thing for five others. The story continues in this manner until all the people of the world share kindness. All the kindnesses are multiplied together for a total of 6,103,515,625! Next, each grade level discussed the math curriculum with parents.
We celebrated World Kindness Day as well by wearing tie dye and doing exciting STEM activities. The activities included making Magic Milk, making a domino chain (like the kindness chain in the story), and making colorful coffee filter butterflies to share with others.