Change in Calendar Dates
Due to the unusual number of snow days needed this quarter, 3rd quarter mid-term and end dates will be moved back by one week. The new 3rd quarter mid-term will be Friday, February 8. The 3rd quarter will end on Friday, March 15. This will mean we will not have report cards ready to distribute at Parent/Teacher Conferences on March 14 and March 15, so we will use this conference time to communicate your child(ren)'s progress. Parent/Teacher Conferences are March 14, 4:00 - 7:30 p.m. and March 15, 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Unfortunately, we have had to use 10 snow days this school year. At this time, the plan is to make up five of those days and request to use Act of God days for the remaining five days. If permission is granted to use five Act of God days, the final days will look like this:
May 20 - Full Student Attendance Day
May 21 - Full Student Attendance Day
May 22 - Full Student Attendance Day
May 23 - Full Student Attendance Day
May 24 - Full Student Attendance Day
May 27 - Holiday (Memorial Day)
May 28 - Teacher Institute - No Student Attendance
May 29 - Last Student Attendance Day - 9:30 a.m. Dismissal (Breakfast will be served.)
Two additional School Improvement Days have been added to the school calendar. These two dates are Thursday, February 28, 2019, and Tuesday, March 26, 2019. School will dismiss at 11:30 a.m. both of these days. Breakfast will be served, but lunch will not.
Please feel free to contact one of our offices if you have any questions with regard to the above information